How to Play Solo Helldivers 2


How to Play Solo Helldivers 2″ is an action-packed, top-down shooter that combines strategic gameplay with intense combat scenarios. While it’s known for its cooperative multiplayer experience, playing solo offers a unique challenge that requires careful planning, skill, and resource management. This guide will walk you through the essentials of How to Play Solo Helldivers 2 from basic gameplay mechanics to advanced strategies.

How to Play Solo Helldivers 2, Understanding the Basics

Game Overview

Helldivers 2” is set in a dystopian future where players take on the role of elite soldiers known as Helldivers. Your mission is to protect Super Earth from various alien threats, completing objectives and battling enemies across different planets.

Controls and Interface

Familiarize yourself with the game’s controls and interface. “Helldivers 2” features a twin-stick shooter mechanic, where one stick controls movement and the other aims your weapon. The interface displays crucial information such as health, ammo, and mission objectives. Spend some time in the tutorial or lower-difficulty missions to get comfortable with the controls.

Choosing Your Loadout


Selecting the right weapons is crucial for solo play. Consider using weapons that offer versatility and reliability. The standard assault rifle is a good starting point due to its balanced range and damage. For close encounters, a shotgun or submachine gun can be effective. Additionally, carrying a powerful secondary weapon like a rocket launcher or sniper rifle can help you deal with tougher enemies.


Perks provide various bonuses that can enhance your gameplay. For solo play, prioritize perks that increase your survivability and combat efficiency. Examples include increased health, faster reload speeds, and improved weapon accuracy. Experiment with different combinations to find what works best for your playstyle.

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Stratagems are special abilities and equipment that can be called in during missions. These range from supply drops and defensive turrets to powerful airstrikes. When playing solo, it’s essential to choose stratagems that provide both offensive and defensive support. Consider including a healing stratagem, ammo replenishment, and area-of-effect weapons.

Preparing for the Mission

Mission Selection

Not all missions are created equal, especially when playing solo. Start with lower-difficulty missions to build up your confidence and resources. Pay attention to the mission objectives and enemy types, as some are more challenging to handle alone. Prioritize missions with simpler tasks such as collecting items or defending a point over those requiring coordination with multiple objectives.

Understanding the Enemy

Each alien faction in “Helldivers 2” has unique strengths and weaknesses. Familiarize yourself with their behavior, attack patterns, and vulnerabilities. This knowledge will help you prepare the right loadout and develop effective strategies. For example, bug enemies might swarm you, requiring crowd-control weapons, while cyborgs might need armor-piercing rounds.

Solo Gameplay Strategies

Movement and Positioning

When playing solo, movement and positioning are critical. Always stay on the move to avoid being overwhelmed by enemies. Use the environment to your advantage by taking cover behind objects and creating choke points where you can manage enemy waves more effectively. Avoid getting cornered and always have an escape route planned.

Resource Management

Ammo and health are finite resources in “Helldivers 2.” Manage them wisely by using your weapons efficiently and conserving ammo when possible. Regularly call in supply drops to replenish your resources, and be mindful of your health. Use healing stratagems strategically, saving them for when you truly need them.

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Objective Prioritization

In solo play, it’s important to prioritize mission objectives based on their difficulty and your current situation. Focus on completing primary objectives first while keeping an eye on optional objectives that can provide valuable rewards. Time management is crucial, so plan your route and complete tasks in a logical order to avoid unnecessary backtracking.

Dealing with Enemy Waves

Enemies in “Helldivers 2” often come in waves, with increasing intensity. Learn to recognize the patterns and prepare accordingly. Use area-of-effect weapons and stratagems to deal with large groups of enemies. When facing tougher enemies, kite them—keeping your distance while continuously firing—and use the environment to your advantage.

Advanced Tips and Tricks

Utilizing Stratagems Effectively

Stratagems can turn the tide of battle, especially in solo play. Practice deploying them quickly and accurately. Consider the timing and placement of defensive stratagems like turrets and mines to create a defensive perimeter. Offensive stratagems like airstrikes should be used strategically to eliminate large groups of enemies or destroy tough targets.

Mastering Reload and Weapon Switching

Efficiently managing your reloads and switching between weapons can save precious seconds in combat. Practice reloading during lulls in combat and switching to your secondary weapon when your primary is out of ammo. This can make a significant difference in your survivability.

Learning Enemy Weak Points

Every enemy type in “Helldivers 2” has specific weak points. For example, some enemies might be more vulnerable to certain types of damage or have exposed areas that take more damage. Learning these weak points and targeting them can make encounters much easier.

Making Use of the Map

The map is a valuable tool for planning your movements and objectives. Use it to locate mission objectives, supply drops, and enemy concentrations. Plan your route to avoid unnecessary conflicts and ensure you complete objectives efficiently.

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Common Challenges and How to Overcome Them

Handling Boss Encounters

Boss encounters in “How to Play Solo Helldivers 2” can be particularly challenging when playing solo. These enemies have high health and powerful attacks. Focus on dodging their attacks and targeting their weak points. Use your most powerful weapons and stratagems, and don’t hesitate to retreat and regroup if needed.

Managing Limited Resources

Running out of ammo or health in the middle of a mission can be a death sentence. Always keep an eye on your resources and call in resupply drops before you run out. Conserve ammo by aiming for headshots and using melee attacks when possible.

Avoiding Friendly Fire

How to Play Solo Helldivers 2″ features friendly fire, meaning you can damage yourself with your attacks. Be mindful of where you’re aiming, especially with explosive weapons. Position yourself to avoid being caught in the blast radius of your grenades or airstrikes.

How to Play Solo Helldivers 2
Helldivers 2


How to Play Solo Helldivers 2 is a challenging but rewarding experience that tests your strategic thinking, combat skills, and resource management. By understanding the game’s mechanics, choosing the right loadout, and employing effective strategies, you can overcome the challenges and achieve success on your missions. Remember to stay adaptable, learn from your encounters, and continuously improve your skills. With practice and perseverance, you’ll become a formidable solo Helldiver capable of tackling even the toughest missions How to Play Solo Helldivers 2.

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